Here are our top 10 tips for decorating your home:

1. Lighting

Clever lighting is essential in making a home. LED bulbs make the light warmer and deeper than traditional bulbs and create a better atmosphere.

Mid-century lights contrast well with modern sofas. You can find these lights in vintage shops or on-line.

Mirrors can also enhance light and shade. They can be used in two ways, decoratively or architecturally. They essentially serve as an extension of perception of space and thus must be placed strategically, which is not always easy.

You can use mirrors to borrow the natural light and project it into darker areas. This should be done with great care because you don’t want to overexpose areas that should remain dark by design.

2. Invest in Art

Art is the one thing you should always invest in.  It highlights your personality and brings pleasure to your home.

The right painting or sculpture provides a centrepiece for a room.  So, there is no need for over-complicated furniture or strong colours on the wall. You can just let the art shine.

3. Contrast

Contrast is important in bringing life to a space. 

Modern, cream sofas and clean lines are enhanced by antique armchairs, coffee tables and decorative lighting that catches the eye.  The contrast between modern and timeless pieces works very well.

4. Vintage Pieces Create a Distinctive Look

Antique shops, vintage fairs and e-bay are great places to find one-off pieces which will ensure that your house looks distinctive and individual.

But make sure you take a moment to ask whether you should take something home before you buy it. Can you see it in your house? There is very much a trend towards eclectic rooms but it is important that you stick to an underlying tone in each room, such as choosing warm pieces for your sitting room.  

5. Use Location

We recommend that you choose items and antiques that come from a certain area for each room.  So, for example, your sitting room could have items from the West Midlands.  Your dining room could have items chosen from across the UK or part of the UK.  Your guest bedroom could have traditional items from Japan. 

You should stick to items, pieces and furniture from a particular region or country for each room.

6. Find Your Focal Point

Pick one thing you love and develop the space from there.   It can be a feature like an antique fireplace or a work of art and then go from there. If you centre on that, the remainder can be minimal.

You can choose for your walls to be neutral so that everything else stands out. Off-whites and shades of grey work wonderfully with many pieces of art.

7. Tailor the Space

Think about how you will use the rooms.  If you want to entertain, consider that experience. You may want spaces to mingle. Maybe you want a beautiful garden pavilion or a beautiful weathered oak table to sit around. Plan how you want spaces to be used.

8. Break the Rules

If you want the wow factor, then avoiding following the trends.  There is a trend for clean and minimal but you should not necessarily follow this.  Yes, you can start your design that way but then you will want to add extra ingredients and flourishes. 

It is like cooking sirloin steak.  You can’t beat a good, well-cooked steak but you make it your signature dish by adding extra ingredients. Your home offers you a similar chance to aim higher and dare to express yourself.

9. Evolve

Your home is a living place in more ways than one.  Don’t be afraid to add and take away from it, rebuilding when necessary.

Your home will evolve with you and your tastes will change. Move with your tastes and the times. 

10. Everything in Moderation

Don’t over-furnish.  It is better to have a slightly emptier space to start with than for it to look too full and clumsy. You need to make sure that you do justice to every piece you buy.

If you love an item or piece, it shouldn’t be put in the corner. You need to express yourself and what you like.