Your Quick Checklist for Finding the Best Painting and Decorating Firm for You

It can be difficult to find the best painting and decorating firm for your home. It is all too easy to award the work to the wrong company. Many less than professional firms can come across well when you first meet them.

This is why we compiled this checklist just for you. Here is what you should do when you meet a painter or a decorator for an initial consultation or quote:

  1. Check their physical appearance- do they turn up well-groomed and wearing clean clothes? A well-groomed appearance indicates that they will keep things neat and tidy while doing the job.
  2. Do they have a set of processes? As every successful business owner and professional understands, standard processes are vital.  By having and following a process for each task, you get guaranteed results.  We take care to make sure each step is done right.
  3. Ask this simple question- how do you keep mess to a minimum while working on the job?  The answer will tell you whether this is something that they will do.
  4. Do they have a set of quality standards which form part of their contract? We take pride in our workmanship and this is reflected in our quality standards.
  5. Do they offer a guarantee? Quality painters and decorators are happy to guarantee their work.  We will come out and fix any issues for free for up to 12 months after the work has been completed.

These factors give you a very good idea if the painting and decorating firm is going to do the job right for you.  It helps you to seperate out the cowboys from the professionals. 

Cowboys can appear professional when you first meet them but then they make a mess of your home and inevitably you find botched work everywhere.  You then have to pay out again to get the job re-done by someone else or do-it-yourself or live with the sub-standard work.

Our customers invest in getting the best job done for them.  While we are far from expensive, we are not the cheapest.  If you want the job done exactly right, with the minimal of hassle and excellent customer service, then please get in touch.